Thursday, 31 May 2012

Missing the beauty!!

And so here we are, existing, working on life's treadmill to earn money to sustain life's demands. 
Bills to pay, a roof over our heads, clothes on our back, food on our plates. Collecting necessities that require our maintenance! Our heads filled With the constant worry and concern of getting by, scraping through on what we have been programmed to believe is our purpose, to keep the cup of societies glass topped up. 
No time to stop, the kids need to be dropped off to school.
No time to stop, grocery shopping needs to be done.
No time to stop, need to be on time for work. Slugging away, grinding, superficially entertaining egotistical mangers or colleagues!
Then it's home time and the train is filled with an array of similar characters all with their own story, feeling their own misery having been on the same treadmill as us all that day. No wonder there is nothing but miserable faces on the tube, silence and not a slight of eye contact or generous gesture. All wanting to get home as stead fast as they can.
At home awaits them bills to sort out, dinner to cook, and the kids to tend to, and as we do our heads are pre-occupied mulling over the list of other things that need out attention.
The soaps we watch of other miserable souls suffering worse than we and in that moment we escape our own misery as we are hypnotised by the television media as seeing others new miserable lives, even if we know they are fictional make us for that moment feel better about our own.

This is our life, chugging along, working to make ends meet, striving to survive.
This is our life, heads filled with noise muttering away at us and reminding us of what we need to do and where we need to go. 
This is our life!!
or is it??
Is this all there is?
Or are we just asleep??
With all that clutter distracting us how easy is it to miss what is right in front of us?
A beautiful blue sky with white puffs of clouds floating by,
a glowing sunset tinging the sky to pink,
a glorious view with meadows and trees,
a smile on someone's face,
a child's laughter! all are beauty, all are now, all are missed as we are pre-occupied with what we consider life's necessities when in reality it is society's necessities.
It is necessary for us to purchase the latest flat screen tv, to be addicted to alcohol and tobacco because then they get richer as the taxes get aid.
We are nothing but ants, soldering on, controlled and guided to whichever direction they choose. They are so good at it we don't even know it. Media and adverts manipulate us to believe we will be better people, more successful, more liked and happier if we buy this car, wear these clothes and live in this house, have this amount of money.
Everyone around us has been hypnotised to think the same so we are surrounded by those who fuel societies control. 
We are missing it all, we need to wake up!
Beauty and happiness is not in the destination, it's not in your possessions or what others think of you it's here, it's now!!
If only you open your eyes and see it.
Stop for a second and breath, inhale the beauty of what you already have, your life, your health! 
Find beauty where others pass it by and wake up. 
Your life is here, your life is NOW!! 
Go Live it!....

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